Let this College tread on the blossomed path of petals and continue to inspire thousands to enter the hallowed portals of education, to look beyond the horizon and to set target avidly or the starry sky.

Details of Career counselling In-charge:

  1. Name : Debadas Mohapatra
  2. Designation: Lect. In English
  3. Email ID : [email protected]

Details of placement cell’s Nodal officer:

  1. Name : Poulasti Padhan
  2. Designation: Lect. In Sanskrit
  3. Email ID : [email protected]

Date of Placement meetings:

  1. Meeting 1 : 24.03.2022
  2. Meeting 2 : 26.03.2022

Number of students attended the Placement meeting:

  1. Meeting 1 : 186
  2. Meeting 2 : 180

Whether Job openings & opportunities displayed on college’s Notice Board & website

(Y/N) : NO

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