Let this College tread on the blossomed path of petals and continue to inspire thousands to enter the hallowed portals of education, to look beyond the horizon and to set target avidly or the starry sky.

Our College Calendar

The College Calendar is an indispensable guide book for the students and the employees. Every student is expected to go through the rules contained in the calendar. Ignorance of any such rule is of no excuse.

The calendar is neither a code nor an act and as such, the rules therein can not be subjected to any legal interpretation

or challenge in the court of law. The calendar contains the rules for the convenient execution of various activities of the

college. It is the discretion of the Principal to add, alter or annul any rule embodied in the college calendar for the smooth

working of the institution in the interest of the general welfare of the students.

The information contained in the calendar is subject to change and in case of any dispute, the decision of the Principal is


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