Let this College tread on the blossomed path of petals and continue to inspire thousands to enter the hallowed portals of education, to look beyond the horizon and to set target avidly or the starry sky.

Our College Rules


1. The college office works from 10am. to 5pm on all working days unless and otherwise notified.
2. Students are required to bring their identity card when they come to office for any official work.
3. Identity cards are issued to the students at the time of admission and are renewed each year. In case of loss a duplicate identity card will be issued on payment of Rs.30 and a photograph. Such card should be submitted at the time of leaving the college.
4. Students should observe queue while standing before counter to deposit fees or any other work in office.
5. Normally for matters relating to extracurricular activities, the students should contact the Professor in charge/ Vice-President concerned.
6. Outsiders are strictly prohibited to enter the college campus.
7. Students should not loiter in the corridors when classes are on and must not disfigure the college walls, furniture by spitting, scribing, pasting placards, posters etc.
8. Students are required to maintain perfect discipline in the class rooms and outside. Misbehaviour in the campus will be heavily dealt with.
9. They must not join any outside club or association without prior permission of the Principal.
10. Students should not normally enter the office of the Principal. For meeting him prior permission must be obtained.
11. There should be no club or society or any other function in the college without the permission of the Principal.
12. Students should not keep their bi-cycle on the verandah.
13. Students have to bring their identity card when they come to the college. They are required to produce such card whenever they are asked to do so.
14. In case of breach of rules of discipline of the college by any student he/ she will be asked to take his/her C.L.C.
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