Let this College tread on the blossomed path of petals and continue to inspire thousands to enter the hallowed portals of education, to look beyond the horizon and to set target avidly or the starry sky.

Our Student Association

(A) College Union
(i) The college union shall represent the opinion of the + 3 
students of Panchayat Degree College ,Kantamal  for the academic session ends on 31st May.
(ii) The objective of the union is primarily cultural in nature by organising debate, discussion, symposium etc. under the approval of the Principal.
(iii) The Executive Committee of the college union shall consists of the following- President, Vice-President, Gen. Secretary, Asst. Gen. Secretary,, Class Representatives of all classes and women representative nominated by the principal if the Executive Body does not have an elected girl student.
(iv) Funds collected from the students for the College union shall only be spent by the President / General Secretary. 

Function of the Executive committee

(i) To draw up programme and budget of the union for the session.

(ii) The meeting of the E.C. will be called by the Gen. Secretary consulting the Adviser.
(iii) An extraordinary meeting of the E.C. can be convened at any time by the Principal.
(iv) A meeting of the E.C. shall be presided over by the President or in his absence by the V.P. or in absence of both by any member of the committee.
(v) Every E.C. meeting must carry the Adviser and 50% of the members of

     the E.C.shall constitute the quorum.
(vi) Proceedings of the meeting shall be communicated to the 
Principal through the Adviser within two days by the Gen. Secretary

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